Switch on the TV set an d
s elect t h e cor r ect vid eo
in pu t.
Press th e [SYSTEM
MENU] bu tton to adju st
you r peferen ce settin g of
th is DVD recorder.
Press [p] [q] to select
an item in th e m en u .
Press [u] to access the
selected item’s options.
Press [OK] to con firm you r
selection .
Con n ect th e an ten n a cable from th e wall
an ten n a ou tlet to th e RF IN term in al on th e
back of th e DVD recorder.
Lan gu age m en u
appears. OSD lanuage:
select on -screen display
lan gu age.
Use an other anten n a cable to con n ect th e DVD
recorder’s RF OUT term in al to th e an ten n a
in term in al at th e back of you r TV set.
Use AUDIO/ VIDEO cables (red/ wh ite/ yellow)
to con n ect th e DVD recorder’s AV OUT
term ian ls to th e AV IN term in als at th e back of
you r TV set.
System m en u appears.
Video output: sets video
ou tpu t
Con n ect th e power cable from th e DVD
TVType: sets the TV type
Date: set th e system
date u sin g th e
recorder’s AC IN term in al to th e power ou tlet.
n u mbered bu tton s.
Time: set th e system
time u sin g th e
n u mbered bu tton s.
TV tu n er m en u
TV channel search: Go to
“Utilities” an d th en “start
scan .” Press [OK] to start
au tom atic TV ch an n el
scan to search an d store
available ch an n els.
Wh en com pleted, press [SYSTEM MENU] to
exit th e m en u .
The DVD Recorder is ready for use!
to switch on th e DVD
NO PICTURES! Check if Video Input of the TV set is switched to
“AV” and press [CHANNEL
] button to select the right
NO SOUND! Check if the audio L/R jacks on the recorder are con-
nected to the TV set, stereo system or receiver.
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